as The Cure would put it "jumping someone else's train"
a start, although an incoherent one: a list of the insoluble condition that no longer mixes with my reality.
1) I want to go (From Here ==> To There)
2) Time frame = curiously accelerated and sudden
living in l.a ==> living in north west / north east (just f'ing north)
unpublished writer ==> published author
208 lbs ==> 180 lbs
broke ==> very unbroke
9to5 pos job ==> writer/author/professional weirdo
stressed, zombified, corporate asshat ==> passionate, transient zen'd, hypercreative artist writer who makes inapporpirate remarks about lolcats at very inappropriate times
always have to be somewhere ==> dude, was I supposed to be somewhere?
the most unfunest person ever ==> yeee-haaaa I'm wearing a turtle neck!!!
paint a picture hang it on the wall ==> paint a picture hang it in a gallery (or Big Jon's Beer Hut...)
clutch to the hem of life believing that is all there is ==> I don't know, but definitely not that
no beard ==> occasionally people confuse me with Moses