Saturday, July 14, 2007

Made it beyond Day 5!

I made it passed day 5 and am now into day 6. I feel great! I have much more energy. No headaches like I expected probably from all the water I've been drinking.

My carb level has not gone above 20 grams once in the last 5 days. The one thing I am truly surprised about is my hunger has totally subsided. I don't have any urges to binge at all! There have been a few minor pangs but nothing to note really.

A small victory for getting past Day 5, but the next fall down point is Day 7 (tomorrow). the last is Day 9 and I'm not sure why that is. But every time I have attempted to get back onto this plan I was never ever able to get beyond the 9th day. Well you can bet the horses that I'm going to sprint past 9!!

and tomorrow is my first weigh in....