Wednesday, July 11, 2007

past the falling down point

current weight = 204
goal weight = 180
carbs = 20g

Well I succeeded in making it beyond my last falling down point which was 2.75 days. I'm actually feeling really good and have noticed that I'm not getting urges to binge. My calories have been quite low (around 1000) before I eat dinner so I'm surprised I'm not really noticing all this.

my carbs have been closer to 15 than 20. the one thing I changed this time was not putting cremer in my coffee. I switched to a sugar-free coffee flavoring by daVinci's. I'm really surprised at how good it is. I don't even notice.

so tomorrow is start of day 4 and the next falling down point for me has typically been day 5 (in the afternoon). I usually start this on Monday and by Friday night I'm a savage beast wielding a handful of pixie stix and fistfuls of bread.

Not this time. Don't think so? Really? well then, watch my friend. watch as I make it even beyond day 5.... (oohhh goes the crowd...jeez not day 5)